Hi, I’m Steinar Skipsnes, the founder of Faith Up.
My family is from Norway, which is where my name, pronounced Stein-er Skips-ness, comes from.
I was born and raised in the Seattle area, where I currently live with my wife and kids.
Why did I start Faith Up?
Well, it started with thinking about what my thoughts might be as an old man.
What would I wish I had done?
And one thing stood out.
I would wish I had done more to serve the Lord.
So, here we go.
Faith Up is the vehicle that I hope to serve the Lord through, as best as I can.
Today that means publishing Biblically-based words of encouragement.
Perhaps one day it may mean something else.
But, whatever it may be, I will seek to make God-led decisions that serve Him.
I hope Faith Up blesses you.