Your level of love is shown by your level of priority

How much do you love your favorite things?
How much do you love your favorite people?
How much do you love God?

Your level of love is shown by your level of priority.

How much time are you spending with your favorite things?
How much time are you spending with your favorite people?
How much time are you spending with God?

What gets the bulk of your attention?

Whatever your level of attention is your level of priority.

Do you have dedicated time with God each day?

Do you set aside a specific time to focus on Him, listen to Him, praise Him, and raise prayer requests to Him?

Any healthy relationship requires quality time.

It takes time to develop a deep relationship.

Are you spending quality time in prayer, and in the Word of God?

If not, your priorities need reprioritization.

God is your strength.
God enables you to do things beyond what you can expect or imagine.
God is your source of wisdom.
God is your source of peace.
God is the giver of all your blessings.
God wants you to feel His great love.
God wants to be involved in every aspect of your life.
God is your greatest stability.

Why would any of us not want to deepen that relationship?

We all want fulfillment in our lives.
We all want to feel purpose.

Those are desires placed in our hearts by God because He gave us purpose.

He gave us all a unique calling that He equips us for.
He filled us with unique gifts and talents.
He made us a masterpiece, perfectly qualified for His will for each of us.

Why do we give things that don’t matter so much attention?

Why do we give what matters most, our relationship with our Heavenly Father, less time than we should?

It’s distractions that misguide us, and cause us to live a lesser life than God intended.

Your quality of life is directly related the quality of your relationship with Christ. It has nothing to do with how much money you have.

Many millionaires are miserable, and many people with meager means are filled with the most joy.

The amount of money you have does not determine your quality of life.

God determines your quality, and the people that have a high quality turn out to be the people who spend a high quantity of time with Him.

You want to feel better?
Praise God more.

You want to feel better?
Read Scripture more.

“For the Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword… ” (Hebrews 4:12, NKJV)

Read it, and it will speak to you.
It will guide.
It will give you wisdom.

Reread a verse you’ve read a 1,000 times, and your mind will see it in a new light. It will spark ideas.

Because it’s alive.

Because God’s alive.
Always has been.
Always will be.

Which means His Word remains alive.
Always has been.
Always will be.

That Biblical wisdom doesn’t just jump into your head.

You’ve got to read it.
You’ve got to meditate on it.
You’ve got to ask God to reveal things to you that you don’t understand when you read.

God’s Word says He’s “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think… ” (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV)

So ask abundantly.

Ask God to pour His wisdom on you.
Ask God to pour His blessings on you, and your family.
Ask God to guide you in what His will is for your life.
Ask God to fill you, and keep you in good health.
Ask Him to fill, and keep your family and friends in good health.

None of which can be done… unless you spend quality time with Him.

Up the quantity of time you spend pursuing God, and watch the quality of your life go up.

Don’t let another day, another week, or another month pass.

Any time that passes is passed opportunity to live your greatest life… your God intended life.

Decide today to put time with God as your top priority.
Put it on your schedule.
Put it in for every day.
Put it first thing in the morning.

Start your day in the Word… praising, praying, and pursuing God.

Why first thing in the morning?
It’s a symbol of putting God first in your day… it’s prioritizing Him above all else in your life.

I had a friend once say, “Yeah, I pray every day, when I’m in the shower.”

Probably because it’s time he couldn’t spend doing anything else.

That’s giving God his scraps.

Do you pray right before you go to sleep, when you’re half asleep, and that’s it?

Don’t be that person.
Don’t live that life.

That’s giving God your scraps.
God doesn’t deserve your scraps.
He deserves your best.

He’s your Savior.
He’s given you the gift of eternal life.
He deserves His praise to be prioritized.

Give God your best, and God will make you your best.

Shortchanging God is shortchanging yourself.

Cutting corners with your time with God does nothing but cut your potential.

Don’t sabotage your life.

Go to your Savior, and make time with Him what you savor.

God doesn’t deserve anyone’s scraps.
God deserves our best!

Live your life as living proof that He matters most.

Make Him your priority.

Make time with Him first thing in the morning your priority.

If that means getting up 30 minutes earlier, get up 30 minutes earlier.

If I gave you $1,000 every day you got up early to spend time with God, you would get up, so it has nothing to do with ability and everything to do with willingness.

You will live a better life giving God priority. Period.

There are few things that you can count on, but you can count on that.

Quality time with God will lead to quality improvements in all aspects of your life.

That should be all the motivation that you, I, or anyone else needs.

Let the distractions be done!
Let there by no more delays!

Let today be the day that you lift your level of commitment to Christ, and let your best life out!



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